There are hardly any think tank in China that is not linked to some government branch or the other. Independent think tanks dont exist in China. So let us see where the IISS, whose website ran that "splitIndia" article that created such a flutter in India, is placed in the Chinese hierarchy. All available information suggests that it is partof the Second (Intelligence) Department of the PLA General Staff Headquarters. The second department is responsible for collecting military information and it runs the scores of Chinese military attaches at Chinese embassies abroad as well as several clandestine special agents sent to foreign countries to collect military information. It also produces the analysis of information publicly published in foreign countries.The Second Department oversees military human intelligence (HUMINT) collection, widely exploits open source materials, fuses HUMINT, signals intelligence (SIGINT), and imagery intelligence data, and disseminates finished intelligence products to the CMC and other consumers. Preliminary fusion is carried out by the Second Department’s Analysis Bureau which mans the National Watch Center, thefocal point for national-level indications and warning. In-depth analysis is carried out by regional bureaus.

The punch line in the article has been that to split India, China canbring into its fold countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan, support ULFA in attaining its goal for Assam's independence, back aspirations of Indian nationalities like Tamils and Nagas, encourage Bangladesh to give a push to the independence of West Bengal and lastly recover the 90,000 sq km. territory in Southern Tibet.

The External Affairs Ministry has also protested but without much impact. It has generally been seen that China is speaking in two voices - its diplomatic interlocutors have always shown understanding during their dealings with their Indian counterparts, but its selected media under its military set up is pouring venom on India in their reporting.
There is no doubt that the IISS article was part of China's psychological war against India. For some time, China has been very upset with India's growing strategic relationship with the US. I would say this is China's way of telling India not to go too far with the US.
We saw this kind of warnings appearing in the select Chinese media for about a year or two, warning India to "stop backing the Tibetan counter-revolutionaries" or face the consequences. Then came thet hunderous punch of 1962.
So if you see a smoke rise from China, be sure the fire is not toolong in coming.
။ Photos : BBC News, AP, Sikkim News, Wu Qiang (Xinhua)
( Subir Bhaumik is the BBC's East India Correspondent and a known military intelligence observer )
Posted by ။ BBC Journalist Subir Bhowmik, at 4:35 AM
Kranti Bharat said...
I think Chinese think-tanks are fools. It is very much easier to split India than they think, because today’s India is very much fragile than pre-independence era, at that time British rulers had divided Indian society into two parts i.e. Hindu & Muslim but post-independence era, present rulers have divided Indian society into many parts i.e. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, ST, SC, OBC, General, Creamy layer OBC, Men, Women the list is endless.
If British can take advantage of divide & rule policy & rule India for 200 years, when the Indian society was divided only into two parts, so Chinese can think how many years they/anyone can rule India when its society have been divided so badly. I think today most of the Indian people have become highly indifferent towards who rule them, so even Chinese can rule us an already divided society & I hope Chinese would be not as poor ruler as our present ruler are !!......
August 29, 2009 5:29 AM
Satya Ranjan said...
A policy of peace talks while strengthening defense in all spheres is needed. No panic or anger but firm determination that 62 should not repeated.
Satya Ranjan Ghosh
Tilak Nagar, Delhi - 110018
August 29, 2009 8:14 AM
Amitesh said...
This is another example to prove that China has not left it's expansionist agenda and is again turning the screws on India. This is an open secret and must not come as a surprise to any Indian but the surprising point is: We are still a weak and submissive nation. We are not prepared politicaly nor militarily. We are unable to handle Bangladesh (which we created) and even Nepal. Then how can we handle the monster called China. Today they are asking for Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim, tomorrow they will ask for West Bengal, Bihar, UP etc. Then what will we do ?
August 30, 2009 9:47 AM
Raj Kohli said...
China must be rolling in the past glory of 1962. Times are different now. Tomorrow's enemies, today's friends: high time that China realized and joined the club. After all, we live in the world of vested interests. .
Raj Kumar Kohli
Copenhagen, Denmark
September 3, 2009 5:19 AM
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